County Fair 2010

Well, I'm back from the fair! My mom entered most of my projects (open class)
on Wednesday while I was at work and I took the last few, that I wasn't sure what to do with, after I got off. Anyway, the family and I went down to the fairgrounds after work yesterday and spent the whole evening scouring the open class sections, taking pics, walking around the midway and eating. I ate almost an entire funnel cake by myself! But it was sooooooo good. No regrets.

As for the projects I entered.........I didn't do too bad: ;-)

Best of Show in the sewing department! My mom accidentally gave it away when I talked to her on the phone earlier in the day, but I still didn't know which of my projects that they had chosen. I had my suspicions about this one, though. Today I found out that they were deciding between this one and the circus skirt that you saw in a previous post. I'm glad they were such a success!

Blue on everything! :D

This necklace was made by sewing over tiny pieces of material that were arranged in a shape. I used metallic gold thread. Can you tell what it's supposed to be? I had one nice lady tell me, "You can totally see it's a unicorn!" I can't see it, but................

My sister beat me out in the earrings department.

A blue and division winner for my lovely purse made with Constructivism's pattern.

Wow! I was NOT expecting this! Best of show in the Hobby Craft department, too!!!
I entered this painted silk scarf afterthought. Boy, am I glad I did!

I have more fair pics to share with you all, but those will have to wait for another day. It's nearing 6 o'clock and I'll be closing shop soon. So, until tomorrow...........


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Alex!! You're so talented, it's no surprise you did so well! Btw, the silk scarf is so pretty--those owls are adorable! :)

2SewRetro said...

Thank you!!!!!! :D You know me and owls....... ;-) I get my photo taken for the paper tomorrow........but the vehicles are acting up, so I hope I can make it.